Am I what I thought I would be when I grew up?
Did I find myself somewhere beyond all that my father wanted me to be?
Am I glad I finally have a brother?
When I was 9 however, my only thought is am I a girl?
Remember, that this is Charles looking at himself in the mirror and seeing his father's daughter staring back at him.

Look, I know now that if any of the boys or Princes had said let's play "I'll show you mine- if you show me yours" - then it would have been over a long time before this. But let me point out no one had ever asked before the night Baldur tried to kiss me.
My father was very careful to avoid any situation that would bring the difference up. He even decreed that no one could go swimming without a shirt.
And since no one in the Kingdom thought it was all that weird, everyone one did without ever questioning what my father was up to.
Also, let me point out that nothing happened to my body for years even after I looked into the mirror that morning that would point to me being a girl.
Unlike Hildy and Izzy, I did not "blossom" until I was in my twenties, and even then it wasn't anywhere near what happened to the girls around me. For a while, I was positive, that my lack of femininity was a result of my father meddling with witches and wizards. When I was 19, my mother finally sat me down and told me that she hadn't grown breasts until she was in her twenties either.
"It just takes more time for us Stonehaven women, Charlie."
It didn't assuage my fears or suspicions and probably drove my father to distraction with all my accusing looks.
I still found myself looking in the mirror wondering if what I was. Boy or Girl. Prince or.....
Yeah, being a Princess never entered my vocabulary even after I finally grew some breasts.
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